The club is looking for a flying site. More details to be shared in the future.
We’re an AMA chartered club (#1411) local to the San Francisco bay area.
Flying with us requires proof of AMA membership insurance.
Members fly all kinds of craft, from small park flyers, quads and drones, larger electric planes, nitro powered warbirds, gasoline powered 3D ships and some turbine powered jets.
The club supports areas for gas/nitro break-in, FPV flying and racing, as well as helicopter and drone hover practice are available.
With the Flightline newsletter, you can keep up with the latest news, official club minutes, thoughts from the club president, contest information, upcoming events and more.
Bayside Facebook Page
Our official page on Facebook. Visit us there for the latest news, events, and more.
Facebook Private Group
Have a conversation with other Bayside club members on Facebook in a member’s only forum.
Email News
The club regularly sends out email communications to members and friends of the hobby. If you want to be the first to know about new newsletters, events, field news or more, sign up with us below.
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