Here’s a document provided by the AMA that shows the common reasons that models crash and where the faults actually are with each one. It’s a good resource for anyone looking to prevent a crash before it happens. Download the PDF document here.
Author: Bayside Webmaster
Field Banner is Up
We have had several people ask “where is the field” or “is there something I can look for to find the entrance” when talking about the flying field. Well, the day to answer that question with more clarity has arrived… meet our new field banner: Now, when you look down Mowry Avenue, toward the bay,… Continue reading Field Banner is Up
July Flightline Now Ready
Just in time for the next meeting, here’s this month’s Flightline: Click here to download it in PDF.
Field Banner Has Arrived
We are in the process of getting better signage up at the field. This banner at 4’x8′ should go a long way toward helping people visually recognize the field entrance. It is planned that this banner will replace the existing real estate sign at the front of the property. It isn’t ready to put up… Continue reading Field Banner Has Arrived
More Field Photos Available
Some folks had asked about seeing photos of the field with the new benches installed. Well, those asks have been answered today. Go visit the club field photo album for all the pictures you can handle. Enjoy. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”reverse_pits_runway_field.jpg” image_size=”1500×948″ ]